What does it mean to be literate? In Senegal , some very young children are first exposed to writing by learning to read and write religious text on Qu'ranic Writing Boards. These boards are used to learn the Arabic alphabet, verse of the Qu'ran, and the intellectual traditions that go along with the spread of Islam across the continent. The writing on the first board is the Blessing of God , which reads, " In the name of God, merciful and most compassionate, the blessing of God our Lord and master Muhammad his profit"
Bamboo sticks are carved into writing implements, and the Qu'ranic writing boards are used as the canvas for early literacy.
The women enrolled in the national literacy projects use plastic writing slates. When the facilitator asked the women to write a letter, syllable, or sentence, they used the slates as their canvass. Each woman would hold up her slate to be viewed by the facilitator, at the front of the class.
This poster is a museum reproduction from another part of the African continent where they have large sectors of the Islamic population. Pictured is a child from Sudan in East Africa using a Qu'ranic Writing Board.
This poster can be used to illustrate the Arabic Alphabet.
This box contains five children's books, which can be used in various ways.
These texts will be useful for those who are speakers of French, wishing to learn a few words in Wolof. Wolof is one of the six national languages in Senegal . Those interested in the structure of languages can also use the grammar book, where one can make comparisons of grammar across languages. A French/Wolof dictionary is also included. For further information on Wolof you can consult the following sources:
Nine post cards are included in the box that can illustrate some aspects of Senegalese life.
A set of photographs is provided. On the reverse side of the laminated pictures is a description of the picture and the context in which the events portrayed in the picture took place.
The course plan was designed for an upper level graduate course university course about communication, language and culture. The teaching units can be adapted to elementary, middle school, high school, and undergraduate levels as well.