Film: “The End of Poverty”
- Large world map/globe/Google Earth
- Internet Access - for research
- The End of Poverty? – Video (available on Netflix or at your local video store)
Artifact Box
(Some of the materials included require a basic knowledge of French):
- Pop can box
- Pop can car
- Pop can airplane
- Toy doll
- Toy bus
- Sous verre painting
- Sand paintings
- English and French workbooks
- A People’s History of American Empire – A Graphic Adaptation
- Histoire Du Senegal: Le Senegal Et Leopold Sedar Senghor
- Saint Louis sugar cubes & French Cultural Center programs
- Le Senegal children’s book
- CD’s of Senegalese artists
- Bamako video
- Magazines
- Toy Eiffel Tower & toy elephant
- Post cards
- Wolof books
- Photographs
- ENDA Tiers Monde Pamphlets
Additional teacher resources
- Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World edited by Bill Bigelow & Bob Peterson
- The Line Between Us: Teaching About the Border and Mexican Immigration by Bill Bigelow