Globalization: Immigration as a Manifestation

Unit 2: Activities

Text Deconstruction/Reconstruction Questions

  1. What did you see/read about?
  2. What or who is centered in your text? What voices are important here?
  3. What or who is marginalized? What voices seem unimportant?
  4. What is the message being conveyed by the creator of your text? What is presented as “normal” in this text?
  5. Who might feel comfortable reading this text?
  6. Who might feel uncomfortable reading this text and why?
  7. How does the creator’s perspective change the story that can be told and/or read from the text?
  8. The creator exercised power in decision-making; how was the power used?
  9. Is the power used to privilege one version of a story over another?
  10. Is the power used offer a perspective that seems “alternative?”
  11. Is the power used to tell the same kind of story over again?
  12. Do you view this text in a different light after considering these questions? If so, how?